Basics of nutrition – Dog Nutrition Basics
Basics of nutrition – Dog Nutrition Basics
Every living creature must eat. In the dog’s case, it is the owner who must be responsible for daily providing perfectly balanced meals. To have a long and happy life, a dog needs food that provides the approximately 50 known essential nutrients in the correct proportions.
Dogs are not people, and it is not good for them to eat the same foods as their owners. A dog’s ideal diet consists of proteins (meat, fish, eggs), fiber (vegetables), fats (vegetable and animal), minerals, and vitamins. The relative proportion of each of these elements is determined by:
– the size of the dog (a two-kilogram Chihuahua is not likely to have the same diet as an eighty-kilogram Saint Bernard),
– the dog’s physiological condition (growth, gestation, lactation, sporting activity and old age are all factors that change dietary needs),
– the dog’s health (in many cases, diet has become an important aspect of medical treatment).
Whether you buy prepared food (dry or canned) or make your own dog food, it is essential to carefully choose the commercial food or feed a healthy balance of the foods that you prepare at home. Many people think it is a good idea to change a dog’s diet often, but this is not the case, since changes in diet disturb the intestinal flora, which is more fragile than ours To ensure health and vitality throughout the dog’s life, the dog’s food must meet all its nutritional needs, without deficiency or overdose.
Fifty Essential Nutrients
Nutrients and their Roles
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