The dog’s behavioral tests
The dog’s behavioral tests
The Campbell tests help determine the main personality traits of the puppy. Bear in mind, however, that even if innate traits are dominant, the new owner can modify them through the way in which he cares for the dog. He can, in effect, reinforce certain personality traits and discourage others. The tests should be carried out in an enclosed and calm space that is unfamiliar to the puppy. The person conducting the test should be neutral and, consequently, should not show joy, anger or irritation during the tests.
Attraction test
This test can be performed with a puppy at about seven weeks old.
After carefully placing the puppy on the ground, step back a few meters, clap your hands softly and observe the behavior of the animal:
1. He immediately runs to you with his tail held high, jumps on you and licks your hands.
2. He immediately runs to you with his tail held high and scratches your hands with his paws.
3. He immediately runs to you, wagging his tail.
4. He comes hesitantly with his tail down.
5. He does not come.
Test to see how well the puppy accepts domination
A person unknown to the puppy should perform this test.
With the puppy lying in a sphinx position, pet him, applying pressure to his head and back:
1. He struggles by scratching, turns over, growls and bites.
2. He struggles and turns over to scratch you.
3. He struggles at first and then calms down and licks your hands.
4. He turns over onto his back and licks your hands.
5. He moves away
Test for ability to follow
This test should be performed on one puppy at a time without using your voice.
Stand up and move slowly away, staying within view of the puppy:
1. He follows you immediately with his tail held high, biting at your feet.
2. He does the same without biting.
3. He follows you immediately with his tail down.
4. He follows you hesitantly with his tail down.
5. He does not follow you and moves away.
Standing position test
A person unknown to the puppy should perform this test.
Place your hands under the chest of the puppy and stand him up. Hold him in this position for 30 seconds:
1. He struggles forcefully, growls and bites.
2. He struggles forcefully.
3. He struggles at first and then calms down and licks your hand.
4. He does not struggle and licks your hands.
Test to see how well the puppy accepts constraint
A person unknown to the puppy should perform this test.
Lay the puppy on his back and hold him in this position for 30 seconds by placing your hand on his chest:
1. He struggles forcefully and bites.
2. He struggles until he is free.
3. He struggles at first and then calms down.
4. He does not struggle and licks your hand.
Majority of answers are 1:dominant-aggressive. Not recommended as a pet. Could be a good work or guard dog if properly trained.
Majority of answers are 2: headstrong. Work dog that requires strict training.
Majority of answers are 3: stable and adaptable.
Majority of answers are 4: submissive. Animal ill-suited for work.
Majority of answers are 5:inhibited. Poorly socialized dog, unpredictable.
The results may appear to be contradictory. If so, it advisable to redo the tests as the setting may not have been exactly right (puppy too young, meals, stress, sleep, etc.).

The dog’s behavioral tests