Instinct and intelligence in dogs

Instinct and intelligence in dogs The concept of instinct has greatly evolved. Behavioral development requires a complex interaction of genetic predisposition and experience. To say that an animal behaves instinctively may be erroneous because this implies that behavior was not influenced by experience. It is difficult to conclude that a form of behavior was mainly determined by genetics and that

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The dog’s behavioral problems

The dog’s behavioral problems Behavioral problems are frequently observed in dogs. Some of these problems can be prevented from the time when the puppy is purchased and owners can avoid others through proper training. Some problems appear as early as infancy or adolescence such as phobias, i.e. noise, car, people phobias. These dogs will not be able to adapt to

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Dog’s feeding behavior

Dog’s feeding behavior Wild dogs devote a lot of time and energy to finding, chasing and capturing their prey. Their predatory behavior is motivated by hunger. The prey has the following characteristics: it is not aggressive, the dog has not been saturated with it and it is associated with the acquisition of food. The wild dog’s diet is composed of

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Marking territory in dogs

Marking territory in dogs Marking behavior is common in all dogs, regardless of their sex or age. It is a means of communication that varies greatly depending on the social status of the dog. Developing communication systems is an absolute necessity, especially for social species like domestic carnivores. Marking is primarily accomplished by depositing urine or feces. It is both

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The dog’s submissive behavior

The dog’s submissive behavior The posture of submission stems from the ritualization of the urination process by the mother. At the end of the meal, the mother turns the puppies over and grooms them. This same posture is also seen in adults. During a fight, the subordinate dog lies on his back, which serves to stop the aggression of the

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